- Term - 3 days
- Price - 8 000 RUB

Сontent of article
- Personal business in Russia
- Ready-to-go LLC
- LLC registration process
- Registration of an LLC with foreigners - 2 options: with & without arrival to Russia
- Documents receiving
- Seal
- Bank account
- Registration in the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Statistic
- Legal address
- Stages of work on LLC’s registration
- You will get
- Important
Personal business in Russia
We are registering companies:
For any type of business: sales, export & import, customer services etc.
With any number of founders (1, 2 or more).
With any owner type. Legal entities and/or Russian citizens could become founders of an LLC, so as foreigners or foreign companies.
Ready-to-go LLC
What we are always doing for you:
Preparing all necessary documents for governmental structures to create an LLC.
Controlling each stage of registration.
Helping with nuances of starting the business: accounting, contract working etc.
Providing a seal and also register your business in Russian Federal Funds.
Opening a business account in a reliable bank for free.
Quick & simple:
LLC with one founder can be registered online without visiting the tax office and notary.
If there is a need in notarization, we will provide an appointment with a notary at a convenient time without any delays or expectancy.
Registration for foreign founders is possible both with an arrival to Russia and remotely.
All organizational issues can be resolved with us by phone and it is possible to exchange documents in preferred messengers.
Reliable and guaranteed:
All the necessary documents for creating an LLC are done by our specialists. They will file them with the Federal Tax Service and control the process.
We can register an LLC at the address of the founder’s or director’s apartment.
We are ready to provide you with a reliable address with a postal service or an office for rent from our partners.
Registration of an LLC - is the primary activity of our company. Therefore, tax office denial due to mistakes within documents are excluded. If somehow this situation occurs - we will correct them at our expense.
LLC registration process
Preparation of the documents:
- Application for registration of an LLC (form P11001);
- Charter of an LLC;
- Protocol / decision on forming of company;
- State duty payment receipt, if we are registering a company without an EDS (the state duty is not paid with an EDS);
- Application for a simplified tax system (if necessary);
- Guarantee letter from the owner of the premises under the legal address.
Submission of documents is done in 3 ways: online, through the notary's EDS*, without EDS*.
*EDS - electronic digital signature
Possible only when an LLC founder and director is the same person. The EDS is generated exclusively for registration purposes and becomes invalid after submission to the The Federal Tax Services.
We create a chat with a lawyer, where we explain which app to download and where to click. After your signature is generated, we upload the prepared documents to the system and send them for registration to the Federal Tax Service.
Advantages: No need to visit our office or governmental structures. No need to pay a state duty.
Peculiarities: You need to have a personal account in SberBank (the service we work in is provided on the SberBank platform).
Important! The service cannot be used if there is more than one founder of an LLC or if the founder and director are different people.
By using an EDS of the notary
It can be used when there are several founders of an LLC. We prepare all the documents and then the founders come to the notary agency, which is located in our building. The notary certifies the identity of each founder and sends documents with his EDS to the Federal Tax Service.
Advantages: Possible to register an LLC when there are more than one founder. No need to pay a state duty.
Peculiarities: all founders must come to our office.
Without EDS
The classic form of registration, when the EDS is not formed, and the founders simply come to the notary to certificate their documents.
Advantages: no need in EDS.
Peculiarities: all founders must come to our office. A state duty is paid (4000 rubles). Notary services are also paid for certifying a signature and issuing a power of attorney for our specialist to submit documents to the Federal Tax Service and receive them.
Registration of an LLC with foreigners - 2 options: with & without arrival to Russia
Without the arrival to Russia
Our specialists prepare all the necessary documents and send them to the founder of an LLC for certification at the consulate (Embassy of Russia). You will also need to issue a power of attorney for lawyers of the "Consult-Group'' who will carry out registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. Certified documents, together with a power of attorney, must be sent to our office.
With the arrival to Russia
The registration procedure is practically the same as in point one. A foreign founder must come to Russia. Our specialists prepare documents and accompany the founder to the notary to certify documents (consular legalization is not required).
Documents receiving
If the application for registration of an LLC was sent to the Federal Tax Service in electronic form, the ready documents will also be sent back to the applicant's (client's) e-mail. All documents will be in electronic form signed with the EDS of the tax office authority (EDS is equivalent to the documents with "blue" tax office stamps).
If the application was sent "the old fashioned way" in paper form, the LLC’s ready documents will be received by our representative by the power of attorney, and then transferred to the client.
After the registration of an LLC we order a personalized seal, along the contour of which primary state registration number (OGRN) and taxpayer identification number (INN) will be applied. The name and location of an LLC will also be written on it. As there are several types of seal which you can choose from, we leave the decision up to you.
Bank account
When we have all the documents for an LLC and a seal, we can open a bank account.
Our account opening services are free of charge for you!
You don't need to come to the bank office. We submit applications for opening an account through special banking programs. If everything is ok after the bank's preliminary check, the client can meet a bank manager either in our office or in another place agreed with the bank manager.
Currently, some banks carry out the procedure of opening an account online (they communicate with the client via video conference to verify his identity).
In addition to opening a current account, you can simultaneously open foreign currency accounts, connect to the Internet acquiring, a salary project and use other bank services.
We are accredited with many banks from the TOP-20: Sberbank, Alfa-bank, Tochka, Otkritie, Raiffeisen, VTB, Promsvyazbank, Tinkoff, Vozrozhdenie, Modulbank and others.
Registration in the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Statistic
We also register an LLC in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and we receive a letter from statistics. All these documents are necessary for the future accounting of an LLC.
Legal address
You can provide a legal address for registering an LLC by yourself. In case you want to do it on your own you will need: a guarantee letter from the owner, copies of documents confirming the ownership of the premises.
Also the legal address of an LLC can be registered at the place of permanent registration of the founder/director. It's free, but there are some nuances to it.
In case you don't have a legal address, you can purchase one from us. We are ready to offer several options for registration of the legal address of an LLC’s.
Purchase of the legal address for a certain period. The advantage is that the contract is signed only for 11 months, and a fee is paid once a year (there will be no fixed rental costs). It is also possible to arrange postal service at the legal address.
- We also provide legal addresses either in our building or in other business centers. These are mini-offices for rent. The actual address will match the place of registration and all mail will come to the office, but such rent is paid monthly.
Stages of work on LLC’s registration
You will be able to ask the experts of "Consult Group" any questions regarding the registration of an LLC, making of a seal, opening bank accounts, etc.
Our experts will advise you on which tax system to choose, help you decide on the name of an LLC, explain the codes of all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity, legal address, etc.
Preparation of documents
To register an LLC, you will need to prepare a set of documents:
decision on forming of company (protocol) and a charter of an LLC;
an application for registration (in the prescribed form) and an application for a special tax system (if necessary);
documents for the legal address.
Foundation documents can be passed to our specialists online (by e-mail or in preferred messenger). If you experience difficulties with the registration of the charter and protocol, our lawyers will help resolve this issue.
Specialists of "Consult-Group" fill out an application for registration of an LLC within 20 minutes if all the necessary information is available.
Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance the type of planned activity of an LLC, select the code from all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity for them and select a legal address.
Registration with the Federal Tax Service
Registration of an LLC is carried out by authorized inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (for example, in Moscow - Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service №46). The period for consideration of the electronic application will be no more than 3 days (ready documents will be sent back to the applicant also in electronic form).When submitting paper documents, the period can be extended up to 5 days (the day of transfer and receipt of documents is taken into account).
After the successful registration of an LLC the established company’s information will be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
Preparation for the start of an LLC
Once an LLC is opened “Consult Group” specialists will help you make a seal and open a bank account free of charge. If necessary, we will register an LLC in the Pension Fund and in the Social Insurance Fund. We are also ready to provide full legal and accounting support for your business.
Articles of Association of an LLC (Charter) and Decision (protocol) on forming of company or necessary information for preparation of documents;
Information about the founders: for citizens - taxpayer identification number (INN) and passport information, including registration; for legal entities - primary state registration number (OGRN) and information about the director (documents of foreigners must have a certified translation into Russian);
Information about the director: taxpayer identification number (INN) and passport details (with address);
Types of planned activities and suitable codes from all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (if necessary, we will help you choose the right codes);
Selected tax system;
- All necessary documents for the legal address.
You will get
- Official сonfirmation of LLC’s registration - the Certificate on State Registration of the Legal Entity;
- Certificate on registration in tax authority;
- Registered Articles of Association (Charter);
- Professional support of an accountant and a lawyer.
All information about a registered LLC is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Since that moment the legal entity is officially considered to be created.
The most important requisite of an LLC is its legal address. If the address does not meet the requirements of the law, the Federal Tax Service will refuse to register an LLC. If the address is found to be unreliable after registration, the company will face severe consequences: blocking of bank accounts, suspension of changes’ registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, impossibility of liquidation, administrative liability in the form of fines, professional disqualification of the director and founders.
LLC can be created by one citizen. A legal entity can also become owner of an LLC, but only if it has 2 or more participants. The total number of LLC owners is limited by law and cannot exceed 50 people.
A foreign founder (individual) can become a director of an LLC without additional permits and patents only if he has a residence permit in the Russian Federation or if he is a citizen of an EAEU country (Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan).
The charter capital of an LLC can be formed at the expense of cash or property, which must be assessed by an independent appraiser. In any case, the authorized capital cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles, and this minimum is only paid in cash.
Can a foreign citizen open an LLC in the Russian Federation?
Yes. In addition to the standard set of documents, a notarized translation of a foreign citizen's passport into Russian will be required.
Can you provide a legal address?
Yes, we can offer several options for registration of legal addresses for company registration. Our experts will help you choose the most suitable option, taking into account specific circumstances. Our legal addresses are reliable and ready to withstand any inspections by the Federal Tax Service.
In what case can you register an LLC online?
Electronic registration of an LLC is possible if the company is created by one founder, who is also a director. In all other cases (when there are several founders, or the owner of an LLC and the director are different people), it will not be possible to register an LLC online.
“Consult group” experts will help you quickly prepare an EDS, fill out documents without mistakes and send an application to the Federal Tax Service online.
Which bank is better to open an account in?
Russian banks offer entrepreneurs approximately the same conditions for account servicing, however, the set of additional services may vary significantly. “Consult Group” experts will help you choose the most suitable bank for your activity and the service tariff. Our partners are the largest and most reliable banks in Russia.
Which taxation system to choose?
Special tax systems allow businesses to use various benefits and preferences. Experts of the "Consult Group" will help you choose the most profitable tax system. If necessary, together we can briefly calculate your business model.
There are several taxation options for LLCs:
- General tax system (taxpayers pay value added tax, profit tax and property tax);
- Simplified tax system 6% (tax is calculated on all income) and simplified tax system 15% (tax is calculated on the difference between revenue and expenses);
- Automated simplified taxation system 8% and 20%;
- Single agricultural tax (special tax for agricultural enterprises).