as a form of business
- Term - from 5 days
- Price - from 5 000 RUB

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Сonsult-group company has been specializing in preparing documents for state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for more than 10 years and we understand all the subtleties of this issue. You don't have to worry about how to do it – we will do everything for you.
Advantages of individual entrepreneurs
You can run the business yourself, without involving other employees, you do not need to engage in personnel records management;
You can hire employees;
You do not need to form the authorized capital;
You don't need a legal address for your company;
The money earned from the business can be immediately transferred to your card;
Easier accounting statements;
More options for choosing a special tax regime.
We will fill out all the necessary forms for state registration of an individual entrepreneur, and submit them to the appropriate tax Inspectorate.
Russia provides equal opportunities for citizens of our country and foreigners, which is enshrined in the country's Constitution. Foreigners can do business in Russia without forming a legal entity as an individual entrepreneur. But for the legitimacy of this procedure, they must live legally in Russia and have a permanent place of registration.
Unfortunately, a visa (if the foreigner entered using it) is not a proof of residence. There are other ways to do this:
- A residence permit (ВНЖ (VNZ) in Russian) is a document of an approved form that confirms the right to live and work legally in Russia for a long time. After issuing a residence permit, a foreigner receives the status of a permanent resident, after which he acquires almost all the rights that a citizen of the country has. A residence permit is similar to a Russian citizen's passport, which specifies the person's personal data, including the place of permanent residence;
- Temporary residence permit (РВП (RVP) in Russian) has the form of a stamp that is put in the personal document of a foreigner who wants to permanently reside in Russia before obtaining a residence permit. It can also be issued as a separate document.
The presence of a residence permit or temporary residence permit is sufficient to apply to the Federal tax service for registration as an individual entrepreneur. After receiving documents certifying the residence of an individual in Russia, a citizen of another state submits to the tax authorities:
- A statement on the unified form;
- Scan of documents confirming the applicant's identity. This role is performed by a General citizen's passport or a document provided for by the current international agreements of the Russian Federation;
- Scan of an official document where you can see the date of birth of a person and the city where they were born. Provided when this information is not available in the passport.
- Scan of documents confirming the legality of being on the territory of the Russian Federation and the place of permanent residence.
- Scan of a document containing information about the permanent residence address in Russia.
- Confirmation of the mandatory payment for registration.
All information in the statement must be in Russian. Other documents are translated into Russian and legalized in accordance with the procedure stipulated by international agreements of Russia. In addition, during the submission process, you must provide the original documents, which are immediately returned to the owner after checking the information with copies.
You can submit documents to the Federal service in person or by mail. The most effective and fastest way to register is to register an individual entrepreneur through an intermediary company. In this case, a notarized power of attorney must be issued to the person who is engaged in registration.
Consult-group company registers individual entrepreneurs on a turn-key basis and can carry out all the procedures necessary to start working as an individual entrepreneur. We have highly qualified specialists in this industry. Contact our lawyers for help. We will perform the actions stipulated by law within 5 days from the date of transfer of all documents to us.