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Employment relationships

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Personnel registration
Payroll outsourcing
  • Term - from 1-2 days
  • Price - from 5 000 RUB
Personnel registration

Сontent of article

Every company that is an employer is required to maintain proper personnel records and records management, which include

  • Proper execution of the employee to work (placing orders, preparation of labor agreements, individual or collective liability, the development of job descriptions and familiarization of the employee with local regulatory acts, registration of personal files, filling in labor books, etc.);

  • Registration of personnel transfers, transfers to another job or position, development of staff schedules, vacation schedules, changes in working conditions, orders for personnel;

  • Development of local regulations and job descriptions;

  • Registration of employee incentives and disciplinary penalties;

  • The calculation of seniority;

  • Maintaining employment records;

  • Assistance in carrying out of certification of workplaces;

  • Proper execution of dismissals;

  • Other related questions.

Personnel registration in the organization must be carried out in strict accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Disregard for personnel records can lead to the organization and its officials, mainly its CEO, being held administratively or even criminally liable.

Payroll outsourcing

Outsourcing payroll involves transferring functions for calculating and taxes on it, as well as personnel accounting to specialized consulting companies. Payroll is a more effective way of accounting in comparison with your own employee or performing calculations yourself. It allows you to reduce the cost of servicing business processes, eliminate errors in accounting and protect yourself from penalties from controlling state authorities.

Due to outsourcing, the company's tax risks are significantly reduced. Using the services of an outsourcing company to calculate a payroll allows you to reduce the cost of supporting the company's operations. This is achieved due to several factors:

  1. There is no need to pay for the services of a separate accountant;
  2. You do not need to bear the cost of workplace equipment for an employee;
  3. It is possible to reduce tax losses and optimize taxation in the field of remuneration;
  4. There is no need to purchase and maintain software for personnel accounting.
  5. Financial responsibility in this case is assigned to the company that provides the described services. If any damage occurs due to accounting errors, it is compensated by the outsourcing company.